Gregory Crafts (he/him)

Actor, Playwright, Producer

King Dick

gregory crafts · June 19, 2015 uncertified reviewer
They say, "You should never meet your heroes." After seeing this play, it's easy to see why. King Dick, a new play by the delightfully mad Christian Levatino, takes on the challenge of chronicling an encounter between two of modern American history's biggest personalities, and in doing so, it manages to expose them as sincere individuals, convicted in their beliefs, but just as deeply flawed as you or I. Christian doesn't hesitate to tear through the facades of legend and legacy, shattering the i... full review

Getting to Know You

gregory crafts · June 19, 2015 certified reviewer
I am absolutely heartbroken that the rest of the run of this show is sold out. I'd buy another ticket to it in a heartbeat. I *loved* this experience. Loved, loved, LOVED it. And do not get me wrong, it is an experience, not a show. Do not go if you do not like your art interacting with you. But absolutely go if you want to experience eight different stories in a unique, deep and profound way. ... full review


gregory crafts · June 19, 2015 uncertified reviewer
I have found Theatrical Nirvana, and it is in the back of a tricked-out utility van. Never in my life have I experienced such an intimate, moving and beautiful theatrical moment. I don't want to spoil anything. I can't even really describe it. It was just... intense, and quiet, and profound. It left me filled with magic. Look for the van. ... full review

Lady Into Fox

gregory crafts · June 19, 2015 uncertified reviewer
I don't know what show Loulou In_LA saw (or what the hell their problem is), but what I saw tonight was a beautifully put-together, and unique production featuring three very strong and endearing performances. And this is coming from someone that has *no* connection to the cast or crew, other than a passing familiarity with their previous productions (#Hashtag, Making Love Over There, and Spring Awakening). (Okay, I know it's rude to bag on another patron, but I am stunned not only by the unne... full review

Fish Out Of Whiskey:A Lawyer Who Just Wants You Off His Case

gregory crafts · June 08, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Wade Skalsky is a lawyer from Santa Clarita by way of North Dakota and Arizona. He's not actor, but through his one-man show, Fish Out of Whiskey, Wade reveals himself to be an engaging and very entertaining storyteller. Normally I steer clear of one-person shows, especially autobiographical ones (nothing personal - they're just not my cup of tea), but I'd met Wade at a fundraiser for another Fringe show a few months ago and found him to be a sincere, genuine person with an engaging and friendly ... full review


gregory crafts · June 08, 2015 certified reviewer
This is perhaps one of the Fringiest Fringe shows I've ever seen. It's only fifteen minutes long. No dialogue. If you took a bad trip on brown acid and your inner demons decided to manifest themselves as black-lit demon hippopotami, it would look something like this show. Not for everyone, but if you're feeling like taking a chance on something different, this is your pick. Even if you're a little more straight-laced in your theatrical tastes, this very well-executed and thoughtfully crafted expe... full review


gregory crafts · June 08, 2015 certified reviewer
May 39th presents an intriguing portent into the future of dating and human relationships. This is the story of a new love blossoming between two people, immediately bucking up against restrictions imposed on them by society (though exactly what those restrictions are, and more importantly, *why* they are is left frustratingly unclear). The acting and direction deliver though, as the chemistry between Tracy Eliott and Michael Hyland is electric throughout the story's many twists and turns as they... full review


gregory crafts · June 08, 2015 certified reviewer
I have a confession to make. I've never seen "The Sound of Music." You'd think that would be a prerequisite for a show that pulls a "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" on the story of everyone's favorite family of Austrian musicians obsessed with Favorite Things and climbing Ev'ry Mountain. But I'm pleased to say that my lack of firsthand experience with the source material did not preclude me from enjoying this delicious comedy of character and wit one bit. Sure, there are lots of references... full review

The Board

gregory crafts · June 07, 2015 certified reviewer
When I read that this show was along the lines of Law & Order and Homeland, I was intrigued. Much to my enjoyment, I discovered that the story certainly did not disappoint. This riveting monologue (calling this a one-person show would be a disservice, short-selling the experience), delivered by the incredibly talented Sarah Hollis, transfixed me for the better part of an hour. If you like engaging tales of adventure and intrigue, check out The Board. You won't regret it.... full review


gregory crafts · June 07, 2015 uncertified reviewer
I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Tony Gonzalez when he came on last-minute to take over music direction on POPE! An Epic Musical at Theatre Unleashed last year. When you first meet him, Tony comes off as soft-spoken and rather unassuming, but what I quickly witnessed firsthand while directing POPE! was that when you get him behind a piano, magic happens. What I found out even later was that when Tony opens his mouth to sing... MAGIC HAPPENS. I mean, DAMN! He's got a VOICE! And he pu... full review