David MacDowell Blue

A Feast of Snacks

david macdowell blue · June 09, 2016 certified reviewer
I wrote a full (and enthusiastic) review on my blog: http://zahirblue.blogspot.com/2016/06/feast-of-snacks-review.html QUOTE: "My own taste often runs to the dramatic and mind-blowing (which TU often does with great skill) but this is the theatrical equivalent of a really first-rate dessert--like key lime pie, New York cheesecake, eclairs, oreo cookies and the like! In other words, delicious!"... full review

The Human Test Subjects

david macdowell blue · June 07, 2016 certified reviewer
Personally, I think I'm spoiled because the only improv artists I usually see are those who've made it into something like stardom. Which is not fair. It is as if the only actors you've ever seen are the likes of Helen Mirren, Alan Rickman, etc. performing established classics! So I had to adjust myself a bit to the freshness and relatively unpolished nature of this troupe. Once I did, I had a very nice time indeed!... full review

R&J, a gender-reversed Romeo and Juliet

david macdowell blue · June 26, 2015 uncertified reviewer
I could nitpick about a lot of little things in this show but the heart of it--the way most of the characters simply came to life in wonderfully surprising ways--earned my applause.... full review

The Inside Edge of the World

david macdowell blue · June 24, 2015 uncertified reviewer
A storytelling wonder, full of surprise and humanity (even in characters not maybe human).... full review

BEYOND - Unemployed. Finally.

david macdowell blue · June 21, 2015 uncertified reviewer
A biographical one-person show really depends on a several factors: (1) The life must have some relevance (2) The character at the center of it all must hold our interest and (3) The performer needs to show some level of really profound skill. Kudos on this one! She did it! Three for three!... full review

The Blacks: a Clown Show

david macdowell blue · June 21, 2015 certified reviewer
This is not a story to analyze or a lesson to figure out but a collection of lives to experience and allow to change you.... full review

Sleeping Around

david macdowell blue · June 21, 2015 uncertified reviewer
An all-round excellent cast (with a few heart-breaking standouts) telling a story of love, and sex, and hope blended with despair. Yeah, with that mix it had better be a comedy. http://zahirblue.blogspot.com/2015/06/sleeping-around-review.html... full review

Four Clowns presents The Halfwits' Last Hurrah

david macdowell blue · June 15, 2015 certified reviewer
After seeing this latest show by the Four Clowns, I kept thinking about comedy. About what makes something funny. The Halfwits' Last Hurrah should not have been as funny as it is. Yet I and the audience laughed too many times to count--often at things that should have felt tragic. Why, I wondered? Part of it of course consisted of skill on the part of the entire cast--which proved transcendent! Comedy, as we know (don't we?) depends so very much on timing. The entire company--Tyler Bremer, ... full review

The Best of Albuquerque Fringe 2025

david macdowell blue · June 15, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Let me say up front I 'have a complex relationship with "theater about theater." Not that I don't enjoy it (at least when done well, but that is true of almost everything--on the other hand I cannot bring myself to care if a football game is played well or reading new depths of wretchedness--but I digress)! But to be honest, an "in joke" by definition tends to lean too heavily on the references rather that any inherent humor. Having said that, I actually laughed at one point so hard I couldn't... full review

My Sister

david macdowell blue · June 13, 2015 uncertified reviewer
MY SISTER by Janet Schlapkohl marks my first review of the 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival. Honestly, it sets the bar pretty damn high. "A story of twin sisters fighting to live their dreams as the world attempts to tear them apart." reads the tagline, and that certainly proves accurate. If insufficient. We're a little too used to that verb--tear apart--to feel its full power. Imagine your hand torn apart, until flesh and bone ripped asunder. Or your tongue pulled out of your skull. Nothing tha... full review