Jim Martyka


jim martyka · June 09, 2015 uncertified reviewer
As someone who respects but personally looooathes "The Sound of Music," I found this show incredibly enjoyable! I think it truly works for everyone, balancing that fine line of parody and homage brilliantly. Great acting from all the players and a really clever script. It's early, but this is one of my absolute favorites thus far!... full review

Generation ME the Musical

jim martyka · June 21, 2014 certified reviewer
This is simply an amazing show! SEE IT!!! Truly one of the best I've seen this year. The cast, writing, direction, singing, energy, everything is incredible. Takes you on a crazy roller coaster of laughter, tears, anger and most of all, reflection. I've been thinking a ton about my high school days since seeing it. A fellow patron said immediately after that every high school kid in the country should see this show. I agree and I feel like every adult should as well. Congratulations you guys! I'... full review

"The Mermaid Who Learned How to Fly"

jim martyka · June 21, 2014 uncertified reviewer
See it! Beautiful and inspirational. Sweet and wonderful. Kyla’s got so much energy and love and the whole concept is just a big dose of positivity. You will come out of this show with a smile on your face!!... full review

Twylight Zone: Back to the 6th Dimension (a parody)

jim martyka · June 21, 2014 uncertified reviewer
One of the most fun shows you will see at Fringe! Imagine if Mel Brooks at his fricken' best had directed some "Twilight Zone" episodes. That's what you got here. David first brought this to L.A. a couple years ago and now its back with all new episodes in this hysterical homage. SO MUCH FUN!!!!! This is a must see show!... full review


jim martyka · June 21, 2014 certified reviewer
I saw this show a couple weeks ago and its still sticking with me. The stage is full of theatre veterans so the acting is very good and the direction is clever. But the main attribute to this play is the writing. There is a wonderful abstraction to Josh Morrison's writing, a convolution with purpose, I feel. The main thrust of his writing, the thru-line isn't as clear on first glance...and that's the beauty of it. It allows the viewer to find little gems, ponder what he's seen for days (or weeks)... full review

Ligature Marks

jim martyka · June 16, 2014 uncertified reviewer
I feel like this is one of the best shows at Fringe that not enough people are seeing...and there are only two performances left (tonight and Wednesday). This is truly what super smart, brilliantly written dark comedy is all about. The two somewhat damaged (aren't we all?) "losers" in this play (acted perfectly) are going to stick with me for a while. I seriously can't shake this play and I can't recommend it enough. Soooo good!! I think they only have two shows left before they head off to the D... full review

[title of show]

jim martyka · June 10, 2013 uncertified reviewer
A perfect Fringe show! Charming script, great direction, fun music and incredible actors. I am not a musicals guy and I had the silliest smile on my face for the entire show. This was the first show I've seen this year for Fringe and I plan on seeing A LOT more...but [title of show] has set a pretty high standard for the rest of them. I can't stress this enough. GO SEE THIS SHOW!... full review