Pacific Conference

view project

by Tony Bartolone~

Pacific Conference is a short, funny, fly-on-the-wall viewing. Though it is consistently funny, it feels incomplete overall.

Well acted and well written, this show has much potential, but it was almost like watching the first part to a “to be continued…” episode. It is commendably vulgar without feeling forced. The characters seem like real people with wants and needs. It’s a clever intertwining of characters, but the end is undeniably weak. It seemed to get cut off just as it really got going.

The dialogue is witty and the story comes in pieces with little to know slow exhibition. The play moves well, but I feel like it can explore the character’s relationships a bit more. Also, there can be made more of engaging climax. It is as though they jumped the gun and pulled out the rug from under themselves. Overall, it is a believable, interesting, hip piece that needs a little more development. I look forward to hopefully seeing future productions.