KnowNo’s - #fixmysHituation

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For Immediate Release: Wednesday March 21, 2018

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RawChatTruths presents – KnowNo’s, a premiering soul-banger, in more ways than one. It’s theatrically real. It’s funny but heartfelt. It’s violent but tender. It’s a dark light shining brightly. It’s a manipulating stance that beats the hell out of you without a touch. It’s a must-see mind, heart, and soul attack. KnowNo’s will hit the stage during the month of June in the Hollywood Fringe Festival. Performances on the “Walk of Fame” at The Hobgoblin Playhouse, 6520 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028. LOS

LOS ANGELES, CA, MARCH 21, 2018 – It’s 2018, and an alert has been issued because NO has seemingly lost her meaning generations ago. WEBSTER, her close friend, has clearly known NO’s meaning since their beginning. YES is her enemy but she also knows NO’s meaning. MAYBE always acts confused and STOP is always stunned and dumbfounded, but they all were sure of the soon to come day, when NO would find her voice and be validated and justified as being true to her name, origin, and meaning.

Written by Tae’ Graham, co-written/produced by Fallon Mack, and directed by Jordan Mack; this theatrical work of art is setting the stage for the upcoming series featuring an ensemble cast starring: Fallon Mack, Jakarra Taylor, Maximillian Kraus, Stella Morello, TriniTy Ariel, and Alex Brown. Their performances will speak for themselves.

Running Time: 60 minutes. All performances are $15.