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4 Interesting Shows We Checked Out At The 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival


An accident while traveling in the Himalayas has just left Kit (Alex Montaldo), a young man with an extremely wealthy father, paralyzed at the beginning of Monique Witt’s drama “Split/Screen.” Now confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, Kit is desperate to reorient his identity away from what he sees as his family legacy, but it’s not easy: “The problem with structural lies…is that they’re part of us.You can’t leave them behind without leaving yourself behind.”

Kit wants to spend all his money to help his fellow hospital patient Rufus (Adam Rashad Glenn) recover from the debilitating asthma that is likely to end his life, but their doctor (Fran Montano), whose own family is also in the throes of tragedy, tells Kit the system doesn’t work that way. A psychotherapist (Chris Karmiol), furthermore, discourages, even mocks, Kit’s inclination to see his accident as an opportunity to transform into something greater, insisting, “There is no meaning in…your current situation and what’s happened to you. You need to see it for what it is, a random event, like a fire. We’re coming to the end of our hour.”

Weighed down by the burdens of their own evident shortcomings as professional saviors, both of the health professionals that Kit consults act to quash his own transcendent moral ambitions. Where that leaves Kit remains an open question in Witt’s serious consideration of how—and if—any of us can choose to take on the responsibilities that higher spiritual powers seem to have abandoned.

SPLIT/SCREEN at The Actors Company, 916 N. Formosa Ave., through June 21